Over 30 years of maintenance knowledge and experience put into building CARL software.

Very User Friendly and even computer illiterate staff can use it.

We have mobile technology (CARL Flash & Touch) which make maintenance work paperless and provides diagnostic information to your technician at the job site.

One of the best EAM in the world and has won awards for being innovative

Increases staff accountabilities and improves HR utilisation.

Helps keep assets maintenance knowledge in house even if staffs leave or retires (History of Symptom-Cause-Remedy – Failure Tree)

Very cost effective and pays off in no time. We had many cases where client kept excess Stock of > 10 million for no reason and we helped plant production increased due to CARL’s capability.

Flexible and can be customized according to the client’s need e.g. work flow, forms, data entry, analysis etc

Our software has been designed by engineers for engineers. Hence we understand your maintenance requirements very well.

We have CARL user group. Once in a year you get opportunity to meet all our CARL users and discuss your pain points, learn and add to our software development road map wish list.

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