Electrical & Energy Audit

iEngineering Group Electrical Safety and Energy Audit provides clients with an assessment of their energy use and electrical installation safety and compliance as per Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and Safety Category Assessment (CAT levels).

 We carry out comprehensive audit of factories, offices and commercial buildings. We provide wide-ranging options, inexpensive alternatives to current installation and a variety of initiatives to help our clients gain financial benefit by efficiently using energy while reducing their carbon footprint.

Incorrect electrical installation or inappropriate SIL/CAT level can not only be the cause of inefficiency, but pose major safety risk to personnel and property, not to mention thousands of dollars in damages and liability, in the case of a mishap. An electrical installation safety audit can help minimise these risks and save lives and property, reduce insurance premiums, protect from liable and comply with legislation.

Electrical energy & audit

Energy Audit

An Energy Audit can help achieve your goals in minimizing energy usage, thus, saving money and reducing carbon emissions. By carrying out a comprehensive audit, iEngineering Group will provide you with wide-ranging strategies in reducing energy consumption, initiatives in efficient energy usage and identifying energy leakage ad wastage. 

An Energy Audit is a requirement of an energy management plan (EMP). An EMP, although not mandatory, is recommended within the Greenhouse Challenge Program. However, an Energy Audit is a requirement of Australian Commonwealth legislation. 

Read here [The Energy Efficiency Opportunities Act 2006 requires large energy using businesses to undertake an assessment of their energy efficiency opportunities to a minimum standard, in order to improve the way in which opportunities are identified and evaluated, and to report publicly on the outcomes of that assessment in order to demonstrate to the community that those businesses are effectively managing their energy needs.]

In this current environment of escalating energy bills, an energy audit helps our clients achieve reduction in energy use, locate energy inefficiencies and leakages and realize cost savings. We will also provide alternative renewable energy solutions options.

Energy audit we not only assess energy usage, but our clients are provided with savings strategies, assistance in EMP development and establishment of inventory of plant and equipment.

iEngineering Group can also assist in implementation of the recommendations of the audit. We can install recommended energy saving devices or help supervise these installations for our clients.

iEngineering Group will also help clients procure materials and energy savings devices as recommended.

Electrical & Energy Audit

Electrical Safety 

Electricity is a constant hazard in the factory, office or home. It has the potential to injure and kill and cause extensive damage to property, incurring tens of thousands in losses.

As such all electrical installations are required to comply with government regulations such as Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, and standards like AS3000, AS3100, AS61502 etc. Incorrect or non-compliant installation can lead to prosecution, hefty fines and loss/suspension of business operating license till standards are met.

An Electrical Safety Audit can help your goals in achieving maximum safety standards, minimise injuries to personnel and damage to property, compliance with legislation and standards and reduced civil and financial losses.

Our highly trained staff will carry out extensive audit of all electrical installations at your premises including Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and Safety Category Assessment. We will provide a comprehensive report on non-compliance and unsafe installations. 

We will identify incorrect and unsafe installation and recommend a range of corrective measures, installation methods and inexpensive solutions to other identified electrical deficiencies.

iEngineering Group can also assist in implementation of the recommendations of the audit. We can install recommended alternative devices or help supervise these installations for our clients.

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