iEngineering Group together with business partners CARL/Berger-Levrault presents a product innovation that is set to revolutionise the daily lives of maintenance technicians: an augmented reality headset that facilitates maintenance work!

Using 3D vision, technicians can create a veritable “virtual workbench” anchored in the physical space where the work is to be performed: with a simple gesture, they can place the information needed for a technical operation within their field of view.

In real time, they can for instance:

  • Display the 3D model of the machine being worked on;
  • Display the list of operations to be performed and checked off;
  • Produce an augmented report with full context, to avoid any transcription errors;
  • Access remote assistance via Skype, sharing a live view with the hotline;
  • Control data fully, to ensure faster and safer work.

For more details visit or send an email to

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