Engineering Base
Nonstop Cooperative Plant Engineering
Engineering base One versatile data model from FEED to Operation
Plant engineering is characterized by skids, medium to large-scale projects with a large number of highly sophisticated engineering and management tasks. All those involved are under considerable time pressure. Quality must not fall by the wayside. This is the traditional plant engineering challenge.
Fantastic and a reality: considerably reducing time pressure!
How fantastic would it be to handle these multiple tasks much faster? Without error-prone data transfers and collaborations? With the consistent cooperation of all participating disciplines, despite global distribution, despite different time zones, competencies, languages and engineering cultures? With a modern cloud concept, with any time access to current data? Sounds fantastic – and is already a reality: with Engineering Base!
Versatile = parallel + continuous.
Its versatile data model creates unique continuity, the parallelism of editing and consistency for all core disciplines from FEED to process and detail engineering, plus retrofitting and maintenance. Conventional toolchains, in contrast, are not getting any shorter because of interfaces and synchronization platforms.
Cooperative by nature.
The principle of parallel, the even simultaneous working of all core disciplines on the same plant model ends the time-consuming as well as outmoded “relaying” of information. All data once developed can be used directly by all concerned, regardless of location, time or language. Only in this way does cooperation become efficient!
Fit for Industry 4.0
Change consistently
In Engineering Base every modification is shown in each representation of the changed object – no waiting times, synchronization, crosschecks! Of course, this includes a sophisticated change management process. Thus, the versatile model always ensures the highest consistency of the overall documentation and makes Industry 4.0-compatible cooperation efficient.
It cannot be more digital than that
The corresponding data model in Engineering Base also marks the highest level of digitization. Unlike storage in DWGs, the model allows direct editing of all individual data. This makes them even more up-to-date and thus enhances their value – in the spirit of Industry 4.0.
Open to integration
In addition to the parallelization of all core disciplines of plant engineering, the cooperative platform Engineering Base is also open for bidirectional connection of systems such as 3D, PLM or ERP. Once again, the versatile model pays off here as only one interface is necessary at a time. Numerous integrations are already proven practice. It is just as easy to integrate the platform itself into any corporate IT. No other system offers this versatility!