The ESE devices are lightning attracts, and in
that sense, their purpose is the same as that of conventional “lightning rods.” ESE devices,
however, differ from conventional lightning rods in that they are equipped in some fashion to
increase the efficiency of lightning attraction and thereby to extend the effective range of
protection over and above that of conventional lightning rods.
An early streamer emission air terminal
differs from a conventional air terminal or lightning rod in that it is equipped with a device that
supposedly enhances the probability of initiating an upward propagating discharge (streamer) to
connect with the downward propagating leader of a lightning stroke. Hence enhancing the lightning
catching ability.
- Purpose: ESE devices serve as lightning attractors, similar to conventional
lightning rods.
- Enhanced Efficiency: Unlike conventional lightning rods, ESE devices are
equipped to increase the efficiency of lightning attraction.
- Extended Protection: ESE devices provide a greater effective range of
protection compared to conventional lightning rods.
- Advanced Design: ESE air terminals enhance the probability of initiating an
upward propagating discharge (streamer).
- Improved Connectivity: This feature allows ESE devices to better connect with
the downward propagating leader of a lightning stroke, enhancing lightning-catching ability.