DCS-DISTRIBUTED CONTROL SYSTEM : iEngineering provide complete Industrial Automation Services including Testing, Supply, Installation & Commissioning. Our distributed control system (DCS) is a platform for automated plant and industrial process control operations. DCS combines the human-machine interface (HMI), logic solvers, common database, alarm management, and a common engineering suite into a single automated system.
Integration of hardware, software & services, information flows horizontally & vertically. Totally Integrated Automation from Siemens - The worlds leading automation concept. Holistic approach. Maximum connectivity. End-to-end consistency. Innovative & future-proof.
SIMATIC PCS 7 is more than only a DCS; it offers you a flexible option for modernizing your existing systems, even during runtime. Our innovative process control system SIMATIC PCS 7 consists of a unique, scalable architecture with high performance engineering tools and comprehensive added functions such as Alarm Management, Process Safety or Asset Management, so that you can use your plant more efficiently. It can enhance availability, reduce the overall cost, and increase efficiency.
Our Experion LS is a tiny and flexible distributed control system with the power and reliability of a distributed control system. Because it is easy to configure and maintain and involves less engineering effort. It requires less implementation cost and later maintenance cost than other systems designed for large-scale production.
Our Experion PKS is widely used in a variety of sectors across the globe. This massive automation platform integrates data from controllers throughout an environment, providing a consolidated view of activities across the entire plant.
Our TDC 3000 is used in data acquisition and control devices for industrial process applications. Its new-technology platform provides a set of capabilities that best suit the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s processes in industries.
To increase productivity and optimize plant operations, Our Yokogawa distributed control systems provide the industry’s highest field-proven system.
The ninth generation of the CENTUM series is CENTUM VP. Human-machine interfaces, field control stations, and a control network are all part of the CENTUM VP design.
Our CENTUM VP R6.03 provides a new engineering ecosystem, enhanced flexibility, adaptability, and optimum system performance throughout the plant lifespan. R6.03 is also designed for CENTUM CS, CS 1000, and CS 3000 system upgrades.
Our PlantPAx can be used by operators to make smarter, better industrial automation solutions. This approach allows you to adapt more swiftly to consumer demands and rapidly changing specifications.
Our FactoryTalk software is designed to work with a wide range of modern industrial applications. It offers you quick access to a platform for encrypting, maintaining, versioning, tracking, and analyzing automation-related asset information throughout your entire facility.